CITCOM.AI delivers a European Artificial Intelligence Testing and Experimentation Facility (AI TEF) for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities (SSCC). The consortium brings together world-leading TEF capabilities around the three themes POWER, MOVE and CONNECT, as three “super nodes” Nordic, Central and South with satellites and sub-nodes located across 11 countries the European Union.
 Building on established initiatives such as the Living-in.EU efforts and the Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms, and projects such as OrganiCity (testing and Experimentation Facility for Smart Cities and Communities) and SynchroniCity (Large-scale pilot for AI and IoT in Smart Cities and Communities), leverages the best available experience and expertise in Europe, and in the world. The solid and broad co-funding is secured from public and private sources, with tight linking to EU and Member State initiatives. And after the project period of five years, a clear business plan will be developed from strategic and technical perspectives, aligned with the needs of cities and communities in Europe.
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