Software maintenance and support services are key factors in the perception of service quality. The level of demand is high and SMEs especially need products that allow them to reduce costs and facilitate their access to international markets. Software providers must find ways to offer quality service remotely, with effective support for their customers and improvements in the user experience; that's where FastFix comes in.
With FastFix, a platform and set of tools are developed to monitor final execution environments, which collect information on user interaction. The goal is to identify error systems, performance degradations, and changes in user behavior.
The platform also supports error replication to identify incorrect execution patterns and automatically generate patches for correction, all through the use of correlation techniques.
This project has been a milestone in the S2 Grupo journey. It was the first project granted by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program, as coordinators, in 2010. 7 European companies and organizations have participated in its development, with a budget of approximately 4 million euros. FastFix was the first of many projects in which S2 Grupo has proven its worth as a European coordinator of powerful and innovative initiatives.
Project financed by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) (Project number: 258109 FP7-ICT-2009-5).
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