S2 Grupo launches “Security on Air”
- The company specialized in cybersecurity has created its own Internet radio program, which will be broadcast monthly, with the aim of giving maximum dissemination to cybersecurity.
- This initiative, which is part of the company's Corporate Social Responsibility, joins the rest of the company's diffusion actions to contribute to a more cybersecured world through training and awareness in the safe use of technology both in households as well as businesses and institutions of any size.
- The Security On Air podcast can be heard from the S2 Grupo website, its Hijosdigitales.es blog and from the Ivoox platform.
Valencia, october 13, 2017.- The cybersecurity company S2 Grupo has launched "Security on Air", its own online radio program through which maximum dissemination will be given to cybersecurity issues. The Security on Air podcasts will be held on a monthly basis, lasting between 15 and 20 minutes and will be developed by the company's team of experts. "The objective we have pursued with this project is to bring cybersecurity closer to the whole population with a simple and pleasant tone to sow in everyone the bases that allow us to use in a secure way the technology that currently already floods practically all aspects of our life", said Miguel A. Juan, associate-director of S2 Grupo. Security on Air was created with a clear informative format so that it can be heard and understood by all audiences, without the need to have specific expertise in this area. In addition, issues that are of concern and of interest to the general public will be discussed. In this way, the causes of the most known cyber-attacks will be analyzed, the keys to prevent them, recommendations to apply in the home and to protect our connected spaces, etc. will be given. Among its sections it will include a review of the most outstanding news related to cybersecurity, there will be a cultural section and interviews will also be held. In addition, there will be a space for questions in which all the doubts about cybersecurity sent by listeners through their social networks (@Securityartwork, @Hijosdigitales) will be answered. The podcast can be heard from the S2 Grupo website (https://s2grupo.es/es/security-on-air/), from the platform IVoox (http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-security-on-air_sq_f1428500_1.html) and also from the blog of the company Hijosdigitales (www.hijosdigitales.es). S2 Grupo: commitment to the promotion of a cybersecure world In its commitment to promote a cybersecure world, S2 Grupo also has other initiatives that have become a benchmark for the sector. Its blog, Security Art Work (www.securityartwork.com), which has celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2017 and is developed by the company's team of experts, is one of the most prestigious and best valued among specialists in the field of cybersecurity. Together with this, S2 Grupo launched the Hijos Digitales (www.hijosdigitales.es) blog 6 years ago, which has more than 15,000 visits a day from all over the world and has established itself as a meeting point for parents and children to promote the safe use of technology. A group of professionals specialized in security, social networks and technology works on it with the objective of offering information of interest that is of aid for groups that can be unprotected if they make an inappropriate use of these types of devices and tools. In addition, in order to increase cyber-protection in homes, S2 Grupo has also launched the "ProtectIT" program through its Corporate Social Responsibility program, which provides more than 1,300 families each year to provide them with the necessary resources to be protected when using the Internet and New Technologies. ProtectIT is an organization-driven program that works in an innovative way with all its members and families to achieve an effective security culture in them. The goal is to increase the overall level of cybersecurity and reduce the risk of incidents directly related to one of the key components in this area that are precisely people. To do this, among other measures, the participants are presented with shocking but everyday situations, which draw their attention to risk behaviors, their consequences and the influence they have on cybersecurity. More information: prensa@wonderful-jemison.82-223-151-98.plesk.page