S2 Grupo trains more than 1,300 families for the secure use of the Internet and New Technologies
- They did it through their ProtectIT program, specialized in training and awareness in cybersecurity.
- ProtectIT is a program aimed at organizations where it works with all its members and families in an innovative way to achieve an effective security culture in them.
- According to experts from S2 Grupo, unawareness of threats to which they may be subjected is the main factor that puts families and companies at risk from the action of hackers.
Valencia, February 10, 2017.- On the occasion of the celebration of the Secure Internet Week, experts from S2 Grupo, a company specialized in cybersecurity, have pointed out the importance of raising awareness and training families so that they may have resources available to them so as to be protected when using the network and the New Technologies. In this sense, only in 2016 and through its ProtectIT program, S2 Grupo trained 1,350 families (1,000 children and 1,500 fathers and mothers) in this area. ProtectIT is a program aimed at organizations where it works with all its members and families in an innovative way to achieve an effective security culture in them. The objective is to increase the global level of cybersecurity and reduce the risk of incidents directly related to one of the key components in this area that are, precisely, people. For this, among other measures, the participants are presented with shocking but daily situations, which draw their attention on risk behaviors, their consequences and the influence they have on cybersecurity. "This impact gets people to be reflected in their daily routines and become aware of the importance of protecting the information they handle because they are aware that it can happen to them. For this, they are offered practical and very simple guidelines for secure behavior in the digital field", said José Rosell, associate-director of S2 Grupo. According to a survey conducted by the company, the secure use of the network is one of the issues that currently concerns parents most. In fact, for 31% of parents, their greatest fear in this area is that their child behaves improperly (harassing other young people, sending intimate photographs or accessing apps or games that violate their safety, etc.), 21% said that their child was a victim of bullying and 18% acknowledged that their son or acquaintance had been the victim of this type of harassment through the mobile phone. As it has been pointed out from S2 Grupo, that the main aspect that puts families at risk is the unawareness of the threats they face in the digital realm. Both adults and children are not aware of these and therefore do not manage the associated risks. These dangers are derived both from the technical vulnerabilities associated with the use of devices and access to online services as well as practices of unsecure behavior, mainly by minors. In addition, company experts have stressed that in order to improve people's cyber security, it is necessary to raise awareness of the importance of digital identity protection, especially in relation to credential management of access to different services (do not reuse passwords, use double authentication factor, etc.) and the development of a secure behavior in the publication and exchange of sensitive information. In 2016, S2 Grupo, through the Protect It program, carried out more than 250 face-to-face sessions in companies to publicize the importance of a security culture in any company, whether large Ibex35 companies, for example, or SMEs. Of these, 150 sessions were held with employees, more than 20 with senior management teams and more than 20 were specific in cybersecurity. Also, more than 20 specific actions of individualized coaching were carried out for senior positions. More information: prensa@s2grupo.es