CLAUDIA is a product developed by S2 Grupo for the detection of anomalies and improper uses in the user station.

It is an endpoint solution that detects complex malware and lateral movements related to advanced persistent threats (APT).
Thanks to CLAUDIA your information systems will be faster and more efficient in investigating and resolving security incidents. It offers you a central administration node in which it collects all the data on the assets and studies them to determine the best actions to take.
With CLAUDIA you can execute a wide variety of actions on demand:
Query of registry keys
Checking the existence of files
Execution of Yara rules
Remote memory dumps on demand
Execution of remote triage tools on demand.
Collection of Windows events.
Collection of Sysmon events.
In addition, CLAUDIA works in combination with other S2 products such as CARMEN and GLORIA, to build a more complete vision of everything that happens within the organization in terms of cybersecurity management.