Rapid Intervention Groups (RIG)
Time is money when it comes to stopping a cyber-attack.
At S2 Grupo we are aware of this, and we make our Security Operations Center (S2-CERT) available to organizations to quickly address any threat to the systems.
We have deployable cyber-incident management teams known as RIG (Rapid Intervention Groups). The RIGs are rapid deployment teams, capable of traveling to the home of customers who need it in record time and with all the necessary equipment at the technology level to set up containment and recovery environments in a few hours when a cyber incident is declared.
We provide technical, legal and organizational support to resolve incidents and return to normality as soon as possible. We take charge of the intervention and coordinate the different actions with our clients:
Definition of action procedures.
Activation of response mechanisms.
Intervention report.
Guidelines to avoid the situation in the future.
In case of need, we offer our facilities for the meeting of crisis cabinets, allowing decisions to be taken as quickly and effectively as possible.