Digital Operations
S2 Grupo NOC
The Digitization of business processes and Digital Transformation, as a disruptive process of this transformation, have caused the Company to depend more and more for its operation on technology, its security and availability.

Technology is useless if it is not available or if it is not secure. Technology, security and availability, in this sense, inseparable terms. Finding the balance that accompanies us in the use of technology for the development of our business is an art.
The S2 Grupo Operations Center is a modern center designed to find that balance between technology, its availability and cybersecurity within an increasingly demanding legal framework in this matter. Its management model certified with quality standards (ISO 9001), service management (ISO 20000), security (ENS and ISO 27001) and business continuity (ISO 22301) guarantees its operation within the highest standards of demand.
S2 Grupo’s digital operations team organizes all its activity around S2 Grupo NOC, working in perfect harmony with S2 Grupo CERT. Both teams share an Operations Center and therefore their physical infrastructure with 4 operational centers in Valencia, Madrid, Bogotá and Mexico City.
S2 Grupo NOC is, therefore, a modern Digital Operations Center of S2 Grupo focused mainly on the provision of infrastructure preparation services (hardened), availability management, management of tools that guarantee the protection of ICT Infrastructures of its “Constituency” both in the IT and OT dimensions and even being deployed, as an extension of corporate networks, in the CT world and user support. While S2 Grupo CERT focuses mainly on the tasks of detection and response to cybersecurity incidents and, therefore, on guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of the information, S2 Grupo NOC deploys and manages the protection measures on the digital infrastructures of the center’s clients ensuring their availability and direct support to users.

S2 Grupo NOC has its own technology for the management of the Digital Operations Center that includes a Call Center and the deployment of its own sensors or those of third parties for the development of its activity of monitoring the digital infrastructure of its clients, whether they are at their facilities (on-premise) or in the cloud, applying complex correlation techniques to identify risk situations. Through the dashboards of the Operations Center, customers know in real time the status of their infrastructure and are permanently informed of the incidents that occur at any time 24×7.
The Operations Center organizes its team on 3 levels.
The first level covers the 24×7 Service Desk function serving users worldwide and providing support through the multilingual #atendi2 service. This first level is, therefore, a modern multi-channel User Service Center.;
One of the specialties of the S2 Grupo Digital Operations Center team is the deployment of secure solutions in the cloud. It is a professional and independent team that seeks the best option for its clients according to their needs. Not all clouds are valid for any project or for any type of information: public, private, mixed, geo-located, caged clouds, etc. Finding a compromise solution between price, performance and security is not an easy task.
El segundo nivel: S2 Grupo dispone de equipos especialistas en distintas tecnologías, aplicaciones e infraestructuras. Especialistas en Sistemas UNIX, Wintel, AS400, comunicaciones, bases de datos, sistemas de control, gestión documental, correo electrónico, ERP, CRM, etc. forman parte del equipo del Centro de Operaciones Digitales de S2 Grupo.
Our digital operations team is a specialist in finding the cloud solution that best suits the needs of our clients, analyzing functional and price aspects, without forgetting security aspects that directly affect the availability of infrastructure and information. to its accessibility, confidentiality and compliance with current legislation depending on where our client develops its activity.
The third level is made up of specialists in IT and OT process management who manage the services provided and are responsible for the smooth running of the Center’s services. The S2 Grupo Digital Operations Center also has a 24×7 operating team specialized in batch and real-time workload management to attend to the batch processes of certain types of companies.
The Digital Operations team works side by side with the security team to guarantee a “cybersecure” operation of the technological platform that supports each client’s business, being a specialist in the management of devices and security solutions such as firewalls, IDS, EDR , DLP and HIDS, among others.

Distributed Operating Groups and Continuity Plans
When the circumstances of the clients require it, S2 Grupo NOC establishes Distributed Operating Groups (DOG) that provide their services from the client’s facilities with the support of all the machinery from the S2 Grupo NOC in 24×7 for whatever is necessary. .
Another specialty of the S2 Grupo Digital Operations team is the design and maintenance of its clients’ ICT Continuity Plans. In addition to designing the continuity plan, either formally through standards such as ISO 22301 or informally, when the process is not intended to be certified, the S2 Grupo NOC team focuses on the periodic tests that need to be done to ensure that the contingency situation, if it occurs, can be controlled. To do this, it develops very practical continuity plans and organizes periodic simulations that allow to be sure that in a real contingency situation they will work. This operations team takes special care with its backup policy, designed to be ransomware-proof.

Secure Operations Consulting
With all the experience of the digital operations team, S2 Grupo NOC offers a special Secure Operations Consulting service. It is a service highly demanded by customers, who are increasingly aware that security is a vitally important factor for the continuity of their business.
All organizations, regardless of sector and size, identify their IT/OT infrastructure as a mission critical system. There are many ways to provide IT/OT services to an organization, but infrastructures are increasingly required to be secure and fault tolerant.
The Digital Operations team of S2 Grupo does not know how to work in any other way due to the type of company it is part of and, in this sense, through the Secure Operations Consulting service we help our clients to know the security level of their IT/OT infrastructure with a global and overall approach offering a complete picture of the environment at a security level.
The scope of the consultancy covers general services, communications and data infrastructures, systems environments, internal services and published abroad, users and more, indicating the degree of maturity of each area, how it is organized and maintained, the degree of security and some implementation recommendations. It is a non-intrusive consultancy, and its result is a report in which we detail the risks faced by the company’s infrastructures, the measures to mitigate them and the action plans that the IT manager of the organization can undertake to maintain some optimal security levels.